
Do you practice teaming?

Amy C Edmonson defines teaming as teamwork on the fly. Nowadays in many organizations, including hospitals, we have lost the luxury of stable teams. In many circumstances, experts have to work together without knowing each other, they haven´t had the opportunity to train together or create bonds. I am sure we can all recall a situation where [...]

GEMEDIC: Summer School in Medical and Surgical Emergency Management

The summer school for anaesthetists and resuscitators The Summer School in Management of Medical and Surgical Emergencies (GEMEDIC) started on Monday, 3 October. It is aimed at recent graduates and residents in Anaesthesia and Resuscitation who will be involved in an intense week of training at the Sim-U-Med simulation centre and in the classrooms of the Anaesthesia [...]

SAFETY team meeting: updates and new steps for the project implementation

The SAFETY team just met for a two days physical meeting in Coimbra (Portugal) on 27-28th September. After more than a year of online meetings, most partners took the chance to meet in person to discuss the project activities and define new steps for the next months to go (partners Laerdal and the University of Stavanger were [...]


From September 5th to 10th the Pediatric Simulation Games (PSG) were held in Latina. The initiative was born in 2017 and interrupted for two years due to Covid19. The Idea behinds is to encourage the teamwork among pediatric students, making the teams to compete one each other on how to solve quicker a simulated emergency in the [...]




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