The inaugural edition of the National Conference „Technology and iHealth in Medicine in the 21st century”, took place between 6 and 9 July in Târgu Mureș, Romania, under the auspices of the Romanian Academy and the local University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Science and Technology (website

On 7th of July, during the dedicated Medical Simulation session, representatives of most human simulation centres in Romania conferred on the latest updates in medical simulation, team building and change management, key points in debriefing, and upcoming projects built upon the framework of simulation centres developed throughout the country.

The team from the “Prof CC Iliescu” Emergency Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases. Bucharest, at the invitation of the organizers, presented the SAFETY projects to the participants.

The presentation consisted of a brief outline of the project aims and objectives, all concurring in the final development of a new educational course, a standard framework for simulation and technology, while offering students open access learning material and increasing the practical experience and the quality of the offered education, in order to facilitate unexperienced staff members (including students) introduction to medical emergencies and thus to increase patient safety. A special point was made of the importance of engaging academic partners in European networks, for further cooperation in research and education.

The academic and company partners were briefly introduced, as were the associated partners, of which the Romanian Society of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care (SRATI) is part, making all simulation instructors affiliated to it a potential beneficiary of the final output of the SAFETY project.

After summarizing the already developed outputs – the training needs analysis research, the optimal team composition research, as well as good practices research, which are already available on the project website,, as the body of knowledge, we presented our future plans, which will finally take the form of a comprehensive, open-access educational platform, consisting of 10 theoretical modules, 31 clinical scenarios and a handbook, providing a pathway to project implementation.

Given the already developing partnership between SRATI, SESAM and ESAIC on the development of a National Simulation Curriculum and Framework for the Romanian simulation centres, we proposed the inclusion of the SAFETY project outcomes in this curriculum, proposition which was greeted with enthusiasm by the attending public.

We hope to keep you posted with upcoming good news regarding the complete fulfilment of our plans!

Written by Mihai Ștefan, Cosmin Bălan, Liana Văleanu, Cornelia Predoi, Cornel Robu, Bianca Moroșanu, Șerban Bubenek, Daniela Filipescu




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