What else do we need to consider when talking about emergency trainings?

Training is useful in acquiring and maintaining skills. While this statement is very well founded in current scientific literature, it seems rather unknown to healthcare administrative bodies. This makes developing training programmes, be it for emergencies or any other healthcare field, a two-front battle. The needs of the learners, the technical and educational [...]

What else do we need to consider when talking about emergency trainings?2021-02-26T11:27:56+01:00

Each emergency is different and requires different skills

Two different emergency cases... The 43 years old man is about to be intubated for a routine operation. The experienced anesthesiologist does not expect this sudden difficult airway that the patient presents with now. “Difficult airway”, the doctor says loudly, clearly, and quickly - you can hear his stress and the anesthesia nurse [...]

Each emergency is different and requires different skills2021-02-19T16:46:11+01:00

Sharing simulation experiences: a realistic and economic cricothyrotomy phantom

Airway management is a fundamental skill in operating theatres, emergency and intensive care units. One of the most serious problems that we can find is the “Can't Intubate-Can't Oxygenate” situation. Although this is a rare condition, this is still a cause of high morbidity and mortality.1 Emergency cricothyrotomy, an invasive technique that allows [...]

Sharing simulation experiences: a realistic and economic cricothyrotomy phantom2021-02-12T09:16:11+01:00

Preparing today’s students to meet the challenges of tomorrow with Clinical Simulation

In line with the Sustainable Development Goals for 20301, clinical simulation ensures inclusive and equitable quality education. As most top healthcare professionals are integrative clinical thinkers, analytical problem-solvers and reflective learners, aspects such as perception, reasoning, interpretation, judgment, and decision-making are essential competencies enhanced by simulation. As a learning resource, simulation tools provide [...]

Preparing today’s students to meet the challenges of tomorrow with Clinical Simulation2021-02-05T09:17:07+01:00
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