From September 5th to 10th the Pediatric Simulation Games (PSG) were held in Latina. The initiative was born in 2017 and interrupted for two years due to Covid19. The Idea behinds is to encourage the teamwork among pediatric students, making the teams to compete one each other on how to solve quicker a [...]

LAERDAL is Partner of PEDIATRIC SIMULATION GAMES2022-09-20T12:22:56+02:00

The SAFETY Project in the National Conference “Technology and iHealth in Medicine in the 21st century”

The inaugural edition of the National Conference „Technology and iHealth in Medicine in the 21st century”, took place between 6 and 9 July in Târgu Mureș, Romania, under the auspices of the Romanian Academy and the local University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Science and Technology (website On 7th of July, during the [...]

The SAFETY Project in the National Conference “Technology and iHealth in Medicine in the 21st century”2022-09-14T18:43:50+02:00

“There is no reason for the surgeon to learn on the patient”: cornerstones in the history of medical simulation

“There is no reason for the surgeon to learn on the patient”. This sounds like a recent saying from one of the last conferences we visited! Guess when Dr. Will Mayo has said this very true words? It was in 1929... Unfortunately, almost 100 years later, we are still discussing the pros and [...]

“There is no reason for the surgeon to learn on the patient”: cornerstones in the history of medical simulation2022-09-06T12:12:22+02:00
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