
SAFETY Project: first Associated Partners meeting

On 24 March 2021 was held the first Associated Partners meeting of SAFETY - Simulation Approach For Education and Training in emergencY, a project funded by the European Programme Erasmus + Knowledge Alliance 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, coordinated by the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences of the University of Foggia [...]

Using simulation for COVID-19 pandemic preparedness

The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has placed an unprecedented, global strain on patients, medical professionals, and institutions. This has prompted a re-think of healthcare resource utilization and spending strategy, with education being one of its most critical priorities. In the wake of a previously underestimated coronavirus outbreak, simulation, in a myriad of forms, has emerged as [...]

Let’s talk about SAFETY communication channels

Nowadays the communication is arising as being of paramount importance for all the activities that human beings undertake, from private to job affairs. People indeed feel the need of being constantly connected with communities they either belong to or are far away from. This approach returns a sort of legitimacy on something that one would like to [...]

Digitalization in the era of Covid-19: why is it an opportunity for the SAFETY project?

If you are a doctor, nurse, healthcare professional, simulation technician or a student and are looking for advice, information and updates in the medical field and are wondering about the impact the pandemic has had on education and training in emergency medicine and medical simulation, this article is for you! The Covid-19 pandemic has challenged healthcare professionals [...]

But… how was SAFETY project financed?

If you ever asked yourself which institution does finance a project aimed at renewing the existing training offer to make practitioners ready to operate in real emergency conditions and why, you will be interested in reading this article. Let us start by saying that SAFETY is a project financed in the framework of ERASMUS+, which is the [...]

What else do we need to consider when talking about emergency trainings?

Training is useful in acquiring and maintaining skills. While this statement is very well founded in current scientific literature, it seems rather unknown to healthcare administrative bodies. This makes developing training programmes, be it for emergencies or any other healthcare field, a two-front battle. The needs of the learners, the technical and educational possibilities, curricular implementation – [...]




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