
Erasmus+ Capacity Building in the field of Vocational Education and Training

The EACEA is implementing Capacity building in the field of Vocational Education and Training (CB VET), an action of the Erasmus + Programme. The Erasmus+ Programme Guide, containing all relevant information, is available in all official EU languages here. This action supports international cooperation projects based on multilateral partnerships between organisations active in the field of VET [...]

Innovative Health Initiative: the topics of the next calls are out

Digital technologies in mental health care, advanced therapies for rare diseases, and improving hospital care are among the topics pencilled in for IHI’s next calls for proposals. The Innovative Health Initiative (IHI) has published the preliminary topics for the next calls, in order to allow those interested in participating to prepare in advance for the construction of [...]

The SAFETY project at SESAM Lisbon 2023

We are proud to announce that the abstract entitled "Optimal Team Composition in Medical Emergencies" written by Professor Camilla Normand (University of Stavanger) with the support of the SAFETY project team has been accepted for a short presentation at the 28th annual meeting of Society for Simulation in Europe! The Society for Simulation in Europe (SESAM) is [...]

The future of Healthcare Leaders and the need for Medical Leadership Training

“Nothing in a doctor’s medical education qualifies him to be a leader“, but in fact, that’s what is expected in a medical team. Leadership does have a positive impact on effective teamwork and good patient care. (Kiesewetter et al., 2013). Our healthcare industries are complex and fast-paced high-risk organisations. Technological advancements continue to transform healthcare, while external [...]

Communication training at HelseCampus Stavanger

Paramedical students in their third year of study and nurses from the municipal health service participated in a joint training day simulating four clinical cases. The central learning objective was communication between several agencies in the emergency chain. What is important to report when contacting 113? How do paramedics and nurses communicate together in primary care? How [...]

A (simulation) Christmas tale

Many, many years ago, in a small town in Lapland, a woodcutter found a small boy lost in the woods while coming back from his daily work. The woodcutter decided to bring back the small boy into his home, hoping that the boy’s parents would eventually come looking for him. Time went by and no one showed [...]




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