
Simulation training in obstetrics

The World Health Organization estimates that approximately 830 women die from preventable causes related to pregnancy and childbirth every day, with most of these deaths occurring in low-resource settings. Simulation in obstetrics can help to address this issue by providing healthcare professionals with the necessary training and skills to manage complicated births and reduce adverse outcomes. As [...]

A Romanian National Simulation Workshop in Advanced Airway Management: A Leap Forward in Anaesthesia and ICM Training

Authors: Cosmin Balan, Mihai Stefan, Cornelia Predoi, Liana Valeanu, Cornel Robu, Bianca Morosanu, Andrei Dumitrache, Robert Thomas Barbulescu, Prof Serban Bubenek, Prof Daniela Filipescu Romania's Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine (ICM) education took a significant stride after an innovative simulation-based national workshop in advanced airway management. This pioneering initiative was designed to cater to second-year residents specializing [...]

Exploring Upcoming European Events and Conferences on Emergency Medicine and Simulation in Medicine

Simulation-based training has become an integral part of emergency medicine education. In this article, we delve into some of the upcoming European events and conferences that focus on emergency medicine and the use of simulation in medical training. Emergency medicine requires healthcare professionals to make critical decisions quickly and efficiently in high-pressure situations. Simulation-based training has proven [...]

Students – healthcare professionals of tomorrow

Working at a university, in an academic environment, often means daily interactions with students. And this seemingly routine encounters might cloud our vision to the reality behind them – we are helping shape the healthcare professionals of tomorrow. Every course, every lecture, every simulation, every conversation – they all influence these young minds, creating or killing interest [...]

Strange and back again – Escape rooms as learning opportunities for healthcare professionals

Effective, safe and efficient healthcare that does not burn out the well-being of healthcare professionals relies on the interplay of human, technology, and organization. This interplay is complex, as is learning around this process.  Many related aspects need to be considered simultaneously, easily overwhelming both learners and facilitators. Learning about the connections of human, technology, and organization [...]

Promoting a clinical debriefing culture

There is extensive evidence of the benefits of debriefing in the clinical setting. It has been associated with an improvement in the results of cardiopulmonary resuscitation, the efficiency of trauma care teams, the identification of surgical errors, or neonatal resuscitation after urgent caesarean sections. Therefore, clinical debriefing has been linked to an improvement in staff performance and [...]




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