
Medical Simulation and the SAFETY Project – A machine room view

I had an opportunity to participate in the SAFETY project. I worked in the development of practical e-learning modules – Turning training materials into e-learning courses. More specifically, my team produced different simulation scenarios related to medical education for the participants of this project. Emergency physicians, medicine and cardiology specialists, paramedics, and the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) [...]

Cognitive Aids and SAFETY

Cognitive aids have been present in the non-medical industry for a long time. For instance, the aviation industry has been using cognitive aids since 1930. The reasoning behind it was that experts in aviation safety considered that even highly experienced and trained pilots may need more than their memory to fly an aircraft safely. In Medicine, cognitive [...]

Game-based learning and Gamification: new training approaches in medicine

Among novel and appealing methods, game-based learning has recently become an exciting and innovative teaching approach in education in a wide range of sectors and disciplines. Various interesting games are more frequently used in medical teaching, given that game-based learning adds diverse game elements to other non-game areas to encourage engagement and raise participants' enthusiasm. Game-based learning [...]

High-fidelity simulation increases the safety and competence of operators in delivery rooms throughout a whole region

Introduction The delivery room is a high-risk environment for patients. Its effects on the professionals working there should not be underestimated. In aviation, periodically repeated mandatory training and simulation helps to increase the safety of passengers and crew. In medicine, high-fidelity simulation enables realistic training at a high level, which can increase not only patient safety but [...]

Unveiling the Power of Game-Based Learning: Laerdal’s sponsorship in Pediatric Simulation Games to enhance Pediatric Healthcare Education

In recent years, the fields of pediatric healthcare education have witnessed significant advancements, thanks to the incorporation of simulation games. These games offer an immersive and interactive platform for healthcare professionals, students, and caregivers to enhance their skills, knowledge, and confidence when it comes to pediatric care. Laerdal, a leading global provider of healthcare simulation solutions, has [...]




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