
How OUTPUTS generate OUTCOMES that generate IMPACTS: the role of dissemination activities

All European projects should explain all the expected results the consortium will achieve. Many projects seek extensive information on developments to ensure that the set objectives are completed. However, some project formats request both outputs and outcomes separately. Project results can be divided into three types: OUTPUTS OUTCOMES IMPACT OUTPUTS are those results which are achieved immediately [...]

The professional site of emotions

Especially during acute healthcare situations, professionals need to keep an overview, try to sequence steps in diagnosis and treatment, allocate scarce resources, evaluate the situation, and re-evaluate decisions. They need to relate to the patient, colleagues, and occasionally bystanders. They must manage their own insecurities, tensions, fears, and may question the things they are really sure about. [...]

Sustainability in health care

The Corona pandemic of recent years has, on the one hand, brought the essential importance of health for all areas of life back into the collective consciousness, and, on the other hand, has thus highlighted the urgent need to integrate the issue of sustainability in healthcare into politics and society. The 2030 Agenda, adopted by the 193 [...]

In situ multidisciplinary simulation in obstetric emergencies

Obstetric emergencies are the most complex situations that can happen in the maternity ward. A multidisciplinary team made up of obstetricians, anesthesiologists, neonatologists, midwives and health assistants normally intervenes in the management of these situations. In this context, it is now known that a majority of complications and morbidity actually result from ineffective teamwork rather than individual [...]

New book on: “Practical Guide to Simulation in Delivery Room Emergencies”

Prof. Gilda Cinnella, from the University of Foggia team, together with Dr. Renata Beck and Prof. Antonio Malvasi, recently cooperated on the publication of a new book about the use of hybrid simulation in delivery room emergencies. This is a concrete example of cooperation among different experts in the field of simulation. The use of a patient [...]




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