All European projects should explain all the expected results the consortium will achieve. Many projects seek extensive information on developments to ensure that the set objectives are completed. However, some project formats request both outputs and outcomes separately.

Project results can be divided into three types:


OUTPUTS are those results which are achieved immediately after implementing an activity. For example, if we are organizing a workshop on Medical Simulation, participants who attended it now have got a clear understanding of clinical education and medical simulation issues. So, this is an output the project has achieved, and it is performed right after the workshop’s conclusion.

OUTCOMES can be considered as mid-term results. They are not seen immediately after the end of the project activity. But after some time, when we see some change at the ground level because of the project activity, it can be termed as an outcome. Taking the above example of a medical simulation workshop, if the participants have started to show a strong interest in medical Simulation, then it is an outcome of the project.

IMPACTS are usually a long-term outcomes and may not even be achievable during the project life cycle. For example, if the consortium has achieved the goal of renewing the Higher Education in Emergency Medicine & Simulation (EM&S) for clinical education and training and the simulation device, and after validation by the European Commission, the tangible impacts on the academic and professional community will not be immediate. Still, they will emerge several years after the project’s conclusion.

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Written by Antonio Scrocco – Infotech team, Italy




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