
Euroanaesthesia 2021: the latest innovations in anaesthesia and emergency medicine

Euroanaesthesia is recognised worldwide as one of the most important and influential annual congress in anaesthesiology and intensive care. With a history of over 8000 international participants from more than 100 countries and over 130 exhibitors, Euroanaesthesia is truly an outstanding international platform to enhance knowledge, review innovative techniques, learn on our guidelines, and communicate, collaborate and [...]

Building up the future

Whenever we teach medical education, we should be aware of a clear intention. Doubtless, this has a crucial impact on what we do and how we do it. The sense of giving a “WHY” sometimes changes the entire view. To reveal this and bring the underlying motivation from subconsciousness to consciousness, I always share my intention with [...]

Collaboration is the new currency

The SAFETY project aims to renew the existing training offer and overcome training gaps, making practitioners safer and ready to act in real emergencies. The SAFETY project also aims to collaborate across different sectors and countries to develop new standards and best practices in emergency medicine and simulation. The collaboration and sharing of knowledge are crucial to [...]

Game, Play and Simulation

The ability to play has accompanied Homo sapiens since the early days. All human beings play, regardless of their culture or geographical location. However, play is not exclusively human, we share this innate ability with other animals. For instance, 80% of mammals have been observed playing, and also some birds and reptiles. Despite this widespread distribution across [...]

You can’t put a value on that… Or can you? Economic evaluation in simulation-based medical education

Simulation-based medical education (SBME) is often resource-intensive, yet rigorous evaluation of the costs and benefits of simulation programmes or activities is rare. Lin et al.1 raise the important issue of economic evaluation of SBME and offer guidance on its implementation by exploring challenges and opportunities. We offer support for discipline in the economic evaluation of simulation while urging [...]

Gender equality: is it also a concern for Intensive Care Medicine?

Although in recent years the absolute number of women earning degrees across science, technology, engineering, and medical fields (STEM) has increased relative to men, gender equality is a widely discussed and researched concept. There is a great debate at international level on the mismatch of skills, necessary and required for building a satisfying career not commonly taught [...]




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