Whenever we teach medical education, we should be aware of a clear intention. Doubtless, this has a crucial impact on what we do and how we do it.

The sense of giving a “WHY” sometimes changes the entire view. To reveal this and bring the underlying motivation from subconsciousness to consciousness, I always share my intention with the students at the beginning of every teaching. Trust will thrive, and it will lead us to success.

“My vision is to create a safe environment for people to become the best version of themselves”.


What do I mean?

In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, while in practice, there is. If we understand something on an intellectual level, it is not enough to transfer it into practice.

That means furthermore that we have to put substantial efforts into continuously exercising, acquiring and maintaining skills and into their improvement. Deliberate practice is a way to do this, and we can learn a lot from sports in this field.

Sometimes standard curriculums lack the transfer of the necessary skills into the actual conditions of our working environment while also considering how diverse these working environments will be once we leave medical school. A significant academic medical centre is entirely different from a small rural hospital or family care. Yet sometimes, the emergencies we face are similar. Here, a common mindset can help drive the best actions adapted to the case and the environment.

The knowledge we get comes directly and indirectly from our surroundings, so the question is: What can we do to have a beneficial impact on our environment?

Our goals in medical education teaching are different. In addition to medical expertise and technical skills, there is a growing recognition of the importance of leadership and teamwork. We invest considerable efforts in creating expertise on a higher level to enable people to grow in teamwork and leadership in a new and innovative way. Our firm belief is that this will contribute to the emergence of a new generation of healthcare practitioners.

Photo Credits: LMU Munich


How can we inspire people to reach their true potential?

Consider now the story of an entire medical education-teaching format of international validity throughout all teaching hospitals.

We need an environment where great ideas can happen, working together on a common cause—driven by the vision of creating equal conditions for learning and individual growth in emergencies. Our international SAFETY Team gives us the excellent opportunity to unite expertise and experience, closing the gap between theoretical and practical knowledge in Emergency Medicine & Simulation sector.

Great teams give motivated people something to believe in. We believe in a better concept in teaching emergency medicine.

Written by Dr Katarina Grujic




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