The Italian SAFETY team from the University of Foggia has participated to the national event “SIMMED2021” organized by the Società Italiana SIMulazione in MEDicina (SIMMED).

Professor Lucia Mirabella and Dr. Fedele Colantuono participated on 22-23 June 2021 in the session dedicated to Simulation labs, to share the SKILL Lab at UniFg main experiences and SAFETY project with the different teams, whereas Francesco Barberio submitted a video abstract presenting SAFETY.

The event was aimed at strengthening the connections among Italian simulation labs and organization of common initiatives for networking.

It represented a good floor to present our project and attract new stakeholders’ interest.

Below is the article published by UniFg in the SIMZINE magazine of SIMMED.

Download the extract .pdf

Stay tuned for all future activities!

The SAFETY team




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