The Spanish SAFETY team from the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona participated in the SESSEP2021, the main national meeting in the field of clinical training and simulation-based assessment which is organized by the Spanish Society for Clinical Simulation and Patient Safety (Sociedad Española de Simulación Clínica y Seguridad del Paciente, SESSEP).

The SESSEP2021 was held from November 22nd to November 27th and in it, the academic community, health professionals and medical simulator companies met to share the latest trends and advances in simulation and patient safety, with the goal of establishing synergies for the dissemination and advancement of simulation in health environments.

In this edition, SIMCLÍNIC, the clinical simulation group of the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, presented the SAFETY project at a national level. During the conference, SIMCLÍNIC announced the main objectives of the project, the organization of the consortium, the workflows, and the access to information through the official SAFETY website and its social media.

In addition, SIMCLÍNIC discussed their role in the first part of the project, which includes leading an investigation effort about the educational offer in the emergency field in Europe, as well as a review of the current good practices involved in planning simulation scenarios, performing prebriefing, executing the scenarios, debriefing, evaluation and improvement.

The project caused great interest among the attendees given its applicability and the possibility of freely accessing the most relevant information derived from it.




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