Healthcare simulation, a large and growing community, recognizes the potential of  Education as a process of continuous improvement.

As a world leader in healthcare education and resuscitation training, to carry out the important mission of “helping save lives”, Laerdal Medical needs to give everyone the opportunity to be trained, to learn, to practice and work with a ‘high level of competences.

True competence is the effect of suitable learning and practice. The process to acquire and maintain desired competence in emergency medicine is defined by the 1Circle of Learning.

Since healthcare institutions around the world are constantly striving to achieve more with less, suitable learning must be efficient, which means that defined learning objectives must be achieved with a minimum of resources. Training must also be effective, meaning that it should have a clear, positive impact on the learners’ clinical practice.

Following the” Circle of Learning” philosophy, Laerdal Medical has designed a range of products to meet every step of this learning path.

Achieving more with less, suitable learning and efficiency are combined in one solution:

 2Monitor By Laerdal, “the perfect solution to be effective.”

It is a Portable Multi-Functional Monitor that allows to operate a simulated Patient Monitor, Defibrillator, and Ventilator on one device, and with the hemodynamic monitoring and mechanical ventilation of the patient enables the learners to obtain a full and accurate clinical overview.

Versatile, flexible, sustainable, easy to use and practical, Monitor By Laerdal is fully integrated with our Bluetooth manikins (for example Resusci Anne QCPR) for a seamless experience, offering students more realism and improving practice and results.

Monitor By Laerdal supports remote simulation training, Instructors can train multiple learners at the same time either in a classroom setting or remotely regardless of trainees’ locations worldwide.

Monitor By Laerdal is an asset that represents a cost-effective solution with the combination of three products in one, accessible by everyone. Students can achieve their objectives involving a minimum of resources but obtaining the maximum of their results.

Monitor By Laerdal gives the opportunity to learn and train whenever, wherever and with whomever all over the world, ensuring that learners, when one day their turn will come, will be ready to step up.

Written by Claudia Guarneri and Novella Callero from Laerdal Italy






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