This year has undoubtedly been another tricky year, and we are hoping for the best for the future. We are happy with all of the activities we have completed and planned for the start of the new year. In particular, especially in the last few months, necessary steps have been taken to draw up the Training Needs Analysis, the Literature review, and the Body of Knowledge (BoK).

In addition, we held on 20-21 December 2021 the Virtual project meeting in Munich in a blended mode. We made a report on the excellent work done so far and we discussed the overall architecture of the SAFETY e-learning course, mainly through important brainstorming with the whole partnership.

You can find more information regarding clinical education and medical simulation, online courses on tips for staying motivated online courses, some essential activities from our project partners below, and stay tuned on our social media and website for further updates on the project!

We hope to see everyone in person very soon and, in the meantime, we wish everyone a Christmas full of serenity and a Happy New Year!

The SAFETY team




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