During Covid-19 Pandemic while Universities have been trying to figure out what remote learning looks like regarding high fidelity Simulation and OSCEs and the Learners were socially distanced, without chances to access hospitals for clinical practices, Laerdal has implemented new functions in its own Learning Management System: SimCapture, to offer a solution to these challenges.

Even if, after pandemic, most of education will come back in presence, remote training should be accepted not as an alternative, but as part of the educational program. Remote Simulation trough SimCapture provides delivering, engaging training from anywhere; in fact, it’s possible viewing recorded sessions, sharing sessions to be debriefed/evaluated and completing self-reflections to support guided debriefing by learners. Moreover, it’s possible monitoring learners, staff and center usage tracking people contact hours and remote simulation time even when administrator isn’t not onsite. Thank to custom evaluation tools it’s possible track learner’s outcomes, expand reporting capabilities and scheduling, curriculum management remotely. SimCapture with Central Control Module (CCM) offers efficiency in scheduling and control of simulation encounters with an easy-to-use interface, that enables many different exam flows that can be used for OSCE; it’s an ideal solution for resource constraints both human and equipment and, for supporting varied scenarios archetypes from skills though to peer and team’s encounters. It supports equity in learning with objective assessments and it’s a flexible option for Student Driven simulation encounters and a facilitator of human factor and technology integration.

SimCapture can enhance all the aspects of the circle of learning from Knowledge Acquisition to Simulation as a Team. This enables learners and participants to set up with success in clinical experience by using actionable data.

Written by Novella Callero, Juri Bendini and Luigi Danesi from Laerdal Italy




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