The SAFETY (Simulation Approach For Education and Training in EmergencY) project is an innovative e-learning course aimed at enhancing emergency medical education. Developed by a consortium of academic and industry partners, it integrates theoretical and practical modules with virtual simulated patients for a blended learning experience.
The project, in its third year, boasts ten peer-reviewed theoretical modules, with comprehensive courses expanding on cardiovascular and respiratory emergencies, various types of shock, trauma, neurological diseases, thermal and toxicological emergencies, as well as a systematic approach to emergencies and introduction into the field of medical simulation.

Each theoretical module, developed by university partners, includes a minimum of 2 hours of video recordings and PowerPoint presentations. These presentations have been subjected to internal and external peer review to ensure quality.
Furthermore, a total of 39 simulated emergencies have been recorded by the teams involved in the project, so as to illustrate the approach to such cases by learners in multiple countries throughout the European continent. These are structured as practical modules, and the featured clinical simulation scenarios have been enacted in simulation centres, covering a wide range of medical emergencies.

At the end of each module, including both theoretical and practical courses, the learner is given the occasion to solve a virtual case, using the virtual patient simulator offered by our partners from Body Interact.

A key component of the project is the use of multiple-choice questions (MCQs) for student evaluation. Each theoretical module concludes with a pop-up quiz, and after completing the entire course, learners take a test quiz with 30 randomly selected MCQs.
The SAFETY team, including academic and company partners, is about to finish the e-learning platform and submit it for external peer-reviewing before releasing it to the public. 

We hope the sneak preview into the course will prove to be an incentive to all following us and waiting for the delivery of the final product.
Overall, we hope that SAFETY will prove to be a significant advancement in emergency medical education, leveraging technology and collaborative expertise to create a comprehensive, accessible, and engaging blended learning experience. 

Written by Mihai Ștefan, Cornelia Predoi, Cosmin Bălan, Cornel Robu, Liana Văleanu, Șerban Bubenek, Daniela Filipescu, from EICD (Romania)




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