On 25 and 26 November 2020 was held the kick-off Meeting of SAFETY – Simulation Approach For Education and Training in emergencY, a project funded by the European Programme Erasmus + Knowledge Alliance 2: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices, coordinated by the Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences of the University of Foggia (Italy).
The 10 partners from 7 European countries (Austria, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain, and Italy) have gathered to start the operational phase of the project which will last 36 months.
There was an interesting participation of partners, universities and companies engaged in the field of Clinical education and training and Simulation device.
The Project Officer Marie Pierre Degive, representing EACEA, also attended the meeting congratulating for the relevance of the project and the consortium established.
The SAFETY project is a training initiative that allows 5 universities and 5 companies to cooperate in the exchange of knowledge and good practices to realize a course of study in the fields of emergency medicine and intensive care.
Through e-learning courses and the use of innovative simulation systems, the project aim is to renew the existing training offer and to overcome training gaps, making practitioners safer and ready to operate in real emergency conditions or collaborate with companies involved in the development of medical simulation tools.
In the coming months, SAFETY will indeed focus on the needs analysis of different target groups, together with the adoption of advanced medical simulation techniques, using both high-fidelity manikins and virtual simulation techniques, to structure new courses and strengthen skills and modernization of European higher education systems.
Given the current situation of extreme emergency due to the Covid-19 pandemic, SAFETY also represents an opportunity at the service of all European countries, to provide solutions and improve the quality of services offered to intensive care patients.
Professor Gilda Cinnella, Coordinator of the SAFETY project, was satisfied with this first partners meeting and remarked that, “despite the current critical situations due to the Covid-19 health emergency, the project is a driver for new initiatives and new European networks and that research will be there and will always go on!”
The project website will be launched in the upcoming weeks and other project meetings and dissemination events will follow.
- University of Foggia (UNIFG) represented by Gilda Cinnella, Lucia Mirabella, Francesco Barberio, Roberta Caporusso, Giacomo Errico and Fedele Colantuono;
- University Clinic Hospital of Barcelona (HUBc) represented by Lidia Gomez, Carlos Ferrando, Sara Darriba, Juan Perdomo and Cristina Ibañez;
- “Prof. Dr. CC. Iliescu” Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases (EICD) represented by Daniela Filipescu, Mihai Stefan, Cosmin Balan and Liana Valeanu;
- Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich (LMU) represented by Marc Lazarovici, Heiko Baschnegger and Benedikt Sandmeyer;
- University of Stavanger (UIS) represented by Thor Ole Gulsrud, Magdalena Brekke, Nina Vatland, Camilla Normand, Une E. Stømer and Peter Dieckmann;
- ValueDo (VALUE) represented by Alessandro Guadagni and Giuditta Pasta;
- Infotech (INFO) represented by Antonio Scrocco;
- Laerdal (LAE) represented by Novella Callero and Luigi Danesi;
- Alpha Medical Concepts (AMC) represented by Carmen Obergrabner and Lukas Drabauer;
- Take the Wind (TW) represented by Pedro Pinto, Silvério Mendes and Rita Flores.
For more information:
Professor Gilda Cinnella, Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, University of Foggia (Italy)
(+39) 0881 732387