On 20 October 2021, an important online meeting about our first project results was held online after the first year of the SAFETY Project!

The ten project partners from 7 European countries (Austria, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Italy) gathered to discuss Education & Training convergences and divergences, literature review and company good practices in Emergency, the first draft of the Training Needs Analysis and the index of the Body of Knowledge.

Meaningful discussions emerged on the progress of work on analysing the needs of our stakeholders and research activities in the field of medical simulation.

There was also talk about the first in-person meeting in Munich (Germany) at Institut für Notfallmedizin und Medizinmanagement. For the first time, the project partners will meet in person! The work carried out for the SAFETY project will be discussed, deepened and updated for better success.

Stay tuned for all future activities!

The SAFETY team




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