Adding on to the last articles: a few more arguments on when, what, why to train with medical simulation

As reported in many safety articles before, teamwork in operating rooms critically influences patients’ safety and quality of case. Simulation-based team training (1) is an effective method to impart these important qualities like teamwork, decision-making and quality care, among interprofessional teams. As mentioned before in this group, medical simulation is a useful practice [...]

Adding on to the last articles: a few more arguments on when, what, why to train with medical simulation2022-11-24T11:08:35+01:00

EU4Health: open the call for public procurement in the health sector

The European Executive Agency for Health and Digital (HaDEA) has published the call for proposals' Supporting the structured dialogue at national or regional level on public procurement in the health sector - HERA (EU4H-2022-PJ-4) '. The call supports the policy priority of responding to the pandemic crisis in a cooperative and coordinated way [...]

EU4Health: open the call for public procurement in the health sector2022-11-03T17:15:04+01:00

In situ simulation as part of risk management for the opening of new clinical facilities

“The use of in situ simulation as a method for a system check in new facilities allows the identification and subsequent removal of potential safety threats and may prevent critical incidents with real patients” [1]. In situ simulation is defined as a team based training of emergencies in the everyday working environment of [...]

In situ simulation as part of risk management for the opening of new clinical facilities2022-10-28T10:20:04+02:00

InterRegSim – The Collaborative Network for Simulation-based Learning in Norwegian Hospitals.

Establishing a government-mandated national collaborative network for simulation-based learning in Norwegian hospitals: Opportunities and Responsibilities Simulation-based learning is recognized as an important educational method for health professionals as well as for students in learning new tasks, competence enhancement, and lifelong learning. However, the health trusts in Norway have different levels of maturity regarding [...]

InterRegSim – The Collaborative Network for Simulation-based Learning in Norwegian Hospitals.2022-10-18T12:35:32+02:00

Do you practice teaming?

Amy C Edmonson defines teaming as teamwork on the fly. Nowadays in many organizations, including hospitals, we have lost the luxury of stable teams. In many circumstances, experts have to work together without knowing each other, they haven´t had the opportunity to train together or create bonds. I am sure we can all [...]

Do you practice teaming?2022-10-14T12:09:15+02:00

GEMEDIC: Summer School in Medical and Surgical Emergency Management

The summer school for anaesthetists and resuscitators The Summer School in Management of Medical and Surgical Emergencies (GEMEDIC) started on Monday, 3 October. It is aimed at recent graduates and residents in Anaesthesia and Resuscitation who will be involved in an intense week of training at the Sim-U-Med simulation centre and in the [...]

GEMEDIC: Summer School in Medical and Surgical Emergency Management2022-10-10T11:40:32+02:00

SAFETY team meeting: updates and new steps for the project implementation

The SAFETY team just met for a two days physical meeting in Coimbra (Portugal) on 27-28th September. After more than a year of online meetings, most partners took the chance to meet in person to discuss the project activities and define new steps for the next months to go (partners Laerdal and the [...]

SAFETY team meeting: updates and new steps for the project implementation2022-10-04T16:52:38+02:00


From September 5th to 10th the Pediatric Simulation Games (PSG) were held in Latina. The initiative was born in 2017 and interrupted for two years due to Covid19. The Idea behinds is to encourage the teamwork among pediatric students, making the teams to compete one each other on how to solve quicker a [...]

LAERDAL is Partner of PEDIATRIC SIMULATION GAMES2022-09-20T12:22:56+02:00

The SAFETY Project in the National Conference “Technology and iHealth in Medicine in the 21st century”

The inaugural edition of the National Conference „Technology and iHealth in Medicine in the 21st century”, took place between 6 and 9 July in Târgu Mureș, Romania, under the auspices of the Romanian Academy and the local University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Science and Technology (website On 7th of July, during the [...]

The SAFETY Project in the National Conference “Technology and iHealth in Medicine in the 21st century”2022-09-14T18:43:50+02:00

“There is no reason for the surgeon to learn on the patient”: cornerstones in the history of medical simulation

“There is no reason for the surgeon to learn on the patient”. This sounds like a recent saying from one of the last conferences we visited! Guess when Dr. Will Mayo has said this very true words? It was in 1929... Unfortunately, almost 100 years later, we are still discussing the pros and [...]

“There is no reason for the surgeon to learn on the patient”: cornerstones in the history of medical simulation2022-09-06T12:12:22+02:00
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