SAFETY project at the Italian SIMMED2021 workshop

The Italian SAFETY team from the University of Foggia has participated to the national event "SIMMED2021" organized by the Società Italiana SIMulazione in MEDicina (SIMMED). Professor Lucia Mirabella and Dr. Fedele Colantuono participated on 22-23 June 2021 in the session dedicated to Simulation labs, to share the SKILL Lab at UniFg main experiences [...]

SAFETY project at the Italian SIMMED2021 workshop2021-06-28T12:05:32+02:00

Virtual Patients help healthcare professionals be ready for COVID-19 vaccination process

All healthcare professionals involved in the COVID-19 vaccination process must have the appropriate knowledge and skills to safely and clearly ensure the administration of COVID-19 vaccines. The COVID-19 Vaccination Course developed by Body Interact - virtual patient simulator created by Take The Wind (TTW) - in partnership with the International and Portuguese Red [...]

Virtual Patients help healthcare professionals be ready for COVID-19 vaccination process2021-06-25T16:03:25+02:00

Project management: the construction of the international network and partners search

The management of a project begins before the project itself: the phase of structuring, preparation, sharing, integration of the proposal is just as important as its implementation. Or maybe, it is even more important, considering that the preparation of the proposal brings to its success, in terms of access to financing. When starting [...]

Project management: the construction of the international network and partners search2021-06-18T12:16:38+02:00

How does SimCapture support Remote Simulation?

During Covid-19 Pandemic while Universities have been trying to figure out what remote learning looks like regarding high fidelity Simulation and OSCEs and the Learners were socially distanced, without chances to access hospitals for clinical practices, Laerdal has implemented new functions in its own Learning Management System: SimCapture, to offer a solution to [...]

How does SimCapture support Remote Simulation?2021-06-10T11:44:25+02:00

COVID-19 Pandemic urges for simulation

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an unprecedented disruption in medical education and healthcare systems in Romania and worldwide [1]. The cancellation of clerkships, which are necessary for both skill acquisition and relationship building, is a serious issue that students and medical schools must now resolve [2]. In our institution (Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular [...]

COVID-19 Pandemic urges for simulation2021-06-04T11:14:57+02:00

Did you know about our Associated Partners?

Dissemination activities are of fundamental importance for the realization of the project results. This process is fuelled by the joint efforts made by the consortium; however, an important role is played by the Associated Partners. They are strongly recommended by the European Commission (EC) to ensure the exploitation of the results and the [...]

Did you know about our Associated Partners?2021-05-21T12:02:11+02:00

Which are the main goals of SAFETY project?

SAFETY project was kicked-off in November 2020 and is now completing the first activities related to the analysis of the needs of Higher Education Institutions and companies in the field of medical simulation. But what are the main goals of the project? The main objective of the project is to assess the gap [...]

Which are the main goals of SAFETY project?2021-05-14T11:09:13+02:00

2nd official SAFETY project virtual Meeting “Barcelona” – 5 May 2021

The 2nd official SAFETY project virtual Meeting "Barcelona" was held online! The 10 project partners from 7 European countries (Austria, Germany, Norway, Portugal, Romania, Spain and Italy) gathered to discuss the project tasks and first results that the leaders of the various WPs are carrying out. Important discussions emerged on the progress of [...]

2nd official SAFETY project virtual Meeting “Barcelona” – 5 May 20212021-05-08T15:04:37+02:00

Know the “WHY”

“We imagine a world in which the vast majority of people wake up every day inspired, feel safe wherever they are and end the day fulfilled by the work they do” (Simon Sinek). The more we try to understand our specific needs as human beings and not less as healthcare workers the more [...]

Know the “WHY”2021-05-07T11:14:23+02:00

SAFETY Project inspires: a Norwegian project for student active simulation-based learning in higher education

Photo credits: Elisabeth Tønnessen Here we present a project that will substantially build on the findings of SAFETY+ and offers possibilities for future dissemination activities for SAFETY+. This is an example of a local project in Norway aiming to increase student involvement and the use of simulation-based learning for one profession. By focusing [...]

SAFETY Project inspires: a Norwegian project for student active simulation-based learning in higher education2021-04-30T07:20:07+02:00
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