Centre for Excellent Simulation and eLearning – SIMeLEARN

University of Stavanger (UiS) has recently applied to the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) to achieve status as Centre for Excellent Simulation and eLearning – SIMeLEARN. The overall aim of SIMeLEARN is to develop and implement excellent, student-centred, innovative learning methods within simulation and e-learning to provide a superior education [...]

Centre for Excellent Simulation and eLearning – SIMeLEARN2022-05-17T10:39:46+02:00

I want to do simulation. Where do I begin?

Clinical simulation (CS) is a very useful tool to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and real practice. It allows training professional skills in a safe environment for patients and also for professionals. The first time we heard about CS, we imagined large specialised centres with complex, highly technological environments, where  quasi-human mannequins [...]

I want to do simulation. Where do I begin?2022-05-10T10:17:46+02:00

Slow means precise, precise means faster

The simulation teaching approach requires more time, resources and preparation than the traditional method. Despite this slower pace, the simulation-teaching method guarantees an immediate increase in the knowledge acquired and greater confidence in what has been learned. The study shows this: "Li CH, Kuan WS, Mahadevan M, Daniel-Underwood L, Chiu TF, Nguyen HB; [...]

Slow means precise, precise means faster2022-04-26T11:24:47+02:00

Basics of Debriefing

Simulation allows making experience without risking safety for our “real” patients. But how do we make sure that our learners in the sim center really “learn” in the end? We all know that debriefing is important, but what are the basic ideas behind doing debriefings? What we know The Debriefing … … is [...]

Basics of Debriefing2022-04-05T10:20:30+02:00

European Programme of Work: United Action for Better Health in Europe

The European Programme of Work, 2020–2025 – “United Action for Better Health in Europe” (EPW) has been developed through a process of extensive consultation with Member States, the European Commission, non-State actors, intergovernmental and United Nations organizations, as well as WHO staff. Following the recommendation of the 27th Standing Committee of the Regional [...]

European Programme of Work: United Action for Better Health in Europe2022-03-29T10:50:08+02:00

Effects of the Erasmus+ programmes – widening the view

We are happy to welcome international students to our centre, an opportunity offered by the Erasmus+ programmes. The conversations we lead with them and the feedback we get strongly support this student mobility. Today we will present the view of an exchange student from Turkey, and her take on the Emergency Medicine Curricula [...]

Effects of the Erasmus+ programmes – widening the view2022-03-22T12:03:46+01:00

Stavanger has the world’s fastest stroke medical treatment

This article was published in Norway Today. It is republished with permission from Norway Today Media AS Photo: Stavanger University Hospital Stavanger University Hospital (SUS) has halved the time it takes for a patient to enter the door to the start of their medical treatment. No one in the world reports faster treatment [...]

Stavanger has the world’s fastest stroke medical treatment2022-03-07T12:56:50+01:00

SAFETY to handle the spikes

Communicating is essential in all aspects of life but even more critical when you face the challenging situation of delivering news to a patient's family. Therefore, doctors must be trained to communicate effectively and emphatically with our patients' families. Unfortunately, most emergency syllabuses do not include this vital aspect in their curricula. One [...]

SAFETY to handle the spikes2022-02-18T10:05:53+01:00

Lung Microbiota: A new way forward for future treatments?

Human microbiota consists mostly of bacteria but also includes viruses, molds, yeasts, and protozoa which colonize skin and mucous membranes of cavities exposed to the exterior, such as the gastrointestinal, respiratory and genitourinary tracts. In these environments, microbiota establishes a symbiotic relationship with the host, providing early modulation of the host’s physiological development, [...]

Lung Microbiota: A new way forward for future treatments?2022-02-11T13:32:54+01:00

Challenges in Building Skills Competence

Two of the biggest barriers in nursing education today are lack of time for deliberate practice and resource shortages. SimCapture for Skills with Modular Skills Trainer is a unique solution going beyond virtual course delivery to combine digital technology and hands-on skills practice more effectively with efficient assessment and evaluation tools. This solution [...]

Challenges in Building Skills Competence2022-02-04T10:23:54+01:00
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