The Patient Safety Center of the Südtiroler Sanitätsbetrieb (SABES) / Azienda Sanitaria dell’Alto Adige (ASDAA) is located in the Superior Health School “Claudiana” in Bolzano. The instructors are professionals working in the fields of Gynecology/Obstetrics, Neonatology/Paediatrics and Anesthesia/Intensive Care Unit and most of them are also European/Italian Resuscitation Council (ERC/IRC) or American Heart Association (AHA) instructors.

Our mission is to increase patient safety throughout the organization and improve care through regular training aimed at improving both, technical and non-technical skills. The courses held up to now are aimed exclusively at the collaborators of SABES/ASDAA and at the students of Nursing Sciences and Obstetrics of “Claudiana” provincial school.

All instructors who deal with advanced simulation have undergone “train-the-trainer” courses and are dedicated to organizing and performing simulation-based team training in Obstetrics / Delivery Room, Neonatology / NICU, Pediatrics and Anesthesia / Intensive Care. The instructors involved in these courses are both, company employees and experts on the topics covered, which guarantees their authority and preparation. The goal is to provide a range of different courses that allows for systematic training of newly hired and also senior personnel in multidisciplinary courses. For this reason, various basic, intermediate, and advanced emergency courses are organized in collaboration with various Italian and foreign centers.

Currently, there is also training for medical and nursing staff in non-critical area wards, to introduce them to the management of the most frequent intra-hospital emergencies while they wait for the arrival of the emergency team.

In order to increase the safety of collaborators in the administrative field, starting this year we are also offering Basic Life Support and Defibrillation (BLSD) courses for non-medical personnel.

Our activities are reported on the dedicated website at the address on which there is a direct link for enrollment in the courses offered for employees of the SABES/AASDA